- Title
- Ocotillo Pas de Deux I (sold 2020)
- Size
- 8x10 (12x14 framed)
- Price
- 400
Sold Jun 20, 2020 by the Marigold Gallery in Santa Fe. Daily morning walk view. One of a series exploring the colors of the desert: Ocotillo, desert and mountains. Compare with other Ocotillo versions. Expanded palette (Cobra): Cadmium Yellow Light, Vermillion, Madder Lake, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Blue, and White plus: Cobalt BLue, Phthalo Green, Sap Green, Viridian, cadmium lemon, Cadmium Red Light and Medium, Opera (Holbein Duo), Blue Violet (dioxide purple), yellow ochre, burnt sienna. #paletteknife, #paptertowel, #radicalimpressionism, #santaritamountains.