2023 Bluebird Popup 1-day Workshop Composition and Armatures


2023 Workshop on Composition and Armatures

More Information: Visit the Exhibits’ tab on this site.

The link to the "Flipping Book" view of this 2023 workshop is no longer available. For information about future workshops please send an email to karen dot halbert at gmail.com

From the Classical Greek Era to the present, artists have been using armature or grid systems based on musical and mathematical principles to help create harmonious paintings, including Dynamic Symmetry Grids, Harmonic Armatures and Golden Fibonacci Spirals or Whirling Squares. The armatures form a scaffolding for paintings, providing stability and a road map for the design. Participants will learn how to use armatures to design their paintings or to evaluate existing paintings. Examples of artwork will be analyzed - participants' and Master Artist paintings.

* "Radical" is a play on words; it's the term Mathematicians use for 'root'; eg, square root. But in addition, radicals play a part in armatures.

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